rock rock yall! – 3D objects created in second life – 2008
number 1 in a series of 4 on hip hop and its 4 elements.
this time we showcase the emcee. the voice that carried the chants and moved the crowd.


rock rock yall! – 3D objects created in second life – 2008
number 1 in a series of 4 on hip hop and its 4 elements.
this time we showcase the emcee. the voice that carried the chants and moved the crowd.
RAPID TRANSIT DISTRICT – second life build circa 2007 ACCIDENTES! 222 –…
Meta’s – 3D – second life build circa 2007 Snapshot of another…
On the wheels of steel – 3D objects created in second life…
537 semigod express – 3D – 2013 3d version of a rapid…
lady Vetrolimas – Blender, with textures made in photoshop – circa 2013…