LES SHAOLIN STYLISTICS – digital – 2006/2024
A quick attempt at some graffiti letterforms over an old sP clothing flyer background.
Back with another ‘keep my hand styles sharp’ session, my pursuit to try to retain that graffiti rock muscle memory from my youth. This time My intent was to keep the lines that made up the letters, both sharp and angular, a tribute to old school graffiti styles of the masters from new york to los angeles.
I was tempted to control+z at times here as I do when creating something more precise in photoshop, but decided against it, in keeping with the theme, which is graffiti art and the way it’s done in the real world.
Using spray paint, That’s a whole other monster on its own, and I never really had too much experience with pieces, and the one’s I did do were mostly toyish, but I did get the chance to use spray cans while painting a couple of murals as a kid and then sometime again in my mid 20s. There, each line is as important as the next, and your undo button is simply carving back in with another color, or having can control. For my digital graffiti drawing on this post, I’ve tried to do some of that carving here, with both color, and the erase tool in photoshop.

As for the digital graffiti I presented today, The end result could use some work, that L could use better connecting parts and the arrow on the top could have been a little more prominent, which would have urged the one on the s to also become more pronounced. The E is looking a little anemic, gotta get them vitamins and minerals. I’m feeling the color scheme and the overall pyramidal shape of the entire form, but it does need more work. The graffiti gods would not be pleased with this offering, but I shall return with more to burn.
Just another quick fun sketch while morning news plays in the background before the day starts, trying once again to keep my graffiti art hand styles sharp, even now in 2024.
Shout out to
