selfified permutations v2 – acrylic on wood panel – 2008
Another selfie, this time over an older painting, as I was wont to do. We can see the emergence of the split-self personified as a multi-phased apparition on the left. With the appearance of the blockheads, a recurring character Archetype from this era.

As you can see, a small percentage of the older painting survived. Not sure what I was going for on this one, just some color splash, some pastels, a lop-eared merry melodie character stomping on 2D flamers, and a staring artist. with a hint of paranoiac airplanes whizzing about, buzzing in my ear. The 2d flame characters, which survived onto the new painting mostly intact, appear to be telling a whole different story.
Did they chop off the cartoon’s ear and is that why he seeks revenge? In the new version, it seems he comes, glorified and announcing great wonders. did he resurrect?
